Ekahau AI Pro 11.2 — Light Mode, Adjacent Floor APs, AP Distances, Wall Tool Improvements, and More!

The latest release of our wireless network design software is brimming with new features that will make your wireless network design experience even better! There have also been numerous fixes and new access points, antennas, and BLE beacons added to the software.

Light Mode is Here!

Attention all Light Mode lovers! You spoke, and Ekahau listened. After countless requests from some of our most passionate users (you know who you are), Light Mode has been added back into the software. Bask in the soft glow of your light-emitting diodes once again!

And for those of you living shrouded in darkness (and secretly harboring a vampire-like lifestyle), we won’t judge you if you keep dark mode on forever. We promise.

New Adjacent Floor APs Visualization

Look up, look down, look out, look around (is anybody else singing Yes right now?) This new feature will make your wireless network design experience even better by removing the hassle of switching between floors to check the locations of your APs. Activate this feature from the view menu and enjoy the improved design experience.

Wall Drawing: Balls to the Wall!

The latest product update features significant improvements to everyone’s favorite (ok, maybe not) design task: drawing walls! These new tools are designed to save time and enhance the overall user experience.

The Rectangular Wall Tool enables users to effortlessly add square rooms with just one click of the mouse, creating a space in a matter of seconds, rather than manually drawing each wall.

Similarly, the Predefined Length Wall Tool is an excellent time-saving feature that allows you to preset the size of windows, doors, or any other wall type. Simply place the pre-sized wall on top of any other wall with just one click. Plus, the previous wall underneath the new wall is ✨automagically✨ removed, streamlining the process further.

Distance(s) Make the Heart Grow Fonder

Ekahau have added two exciting new features to our AI Pro that make Wi-Fi design and AP installation easier than ever! First, the AP to AP Distance tool calculates the distance between the three closest APs within 20 meters in real-time.

Second, the AP to Walls Distance tool allows for precise and convenient installation by showing the distance between the AP and the nearest walls. Additionally, you can move the AP and the distance will be automatically recalculated, making it even easier to achieve the perfect design.

Download the latest version of Ekahau AI Pro here.

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